The Beech Duke is at the top of its class...

B60 Duke
...and you deserve the best training!!
Hoffman Aviation Services is at the ready to offer the kind of training you deserve. The Beechcraft Duke's attributes are well know to insiders and experienced operators. We know what it takes to operate professionally and get the most from your Duke, without compromising the longevity, utility or safety of your aircraft.
Safety and Efficiency
We will help you acheive, and maintain, the proficiency and competency that will keep you on top of any situation. We are working aviation professionals and can give you insights and tips that will help you be smooth, safe, and efficient. You will be the absolute master of your machine, operating well ahead of your aircraft and miles in front of the competition. A pilot to be admired by peers and passengers, and those who can only look on in awe, and dream...
Bob Hoffman & Jack Webster
Professional Colleagues!
Those of you who have previously worked with Robert Hoffman know the benefits of training with a current aviation industry professional. We are pleased have Jack Webster available for training assignments.  Jack is a lifelong Duke owner/operator, commercial jet pilot, and SFAR qualified MU-2 captain.  Jack's experience has proven to be an invaluable resource to our clients. Our team is ready to meet your needs and provides flexible training dates, both initial and recurrent!